New Year’s Resolutions (For Your 2019 Video)
January 11, 2019
By Michelle Maslanka • Producer

The new year is up and running and that means resolutions are in full swing. Why not include goals for your video marketing? Last year, we offered a few suggestions based on some of the most common personal resolutions. This year, we are offering a three-part approach to apply to video objectives: something to continue doing well, something to improve on, and something new to try.

Something to continue doing well

Perhaps you are the marketing guru of your company and well aware of the power of video, which means you are likely already using video - great job! This is what you should continue doing well.

If, however, your company could stand to use some help in that department, fret not. We will address that later in the article. For now, focus on what your company does well in regards to marketing. Do you have a strong social media presence? Outstanding customer reviews? Fantastic photography? Whatever it is, take a minute to appreciate your success and identify why or how you have excelled in that area. Understanding the reasons will make it easier to continue doing just that. Then, take it a step further, and see how video could be applied to those areas. Challenge yourself to increase your social media presence with video content for your platforms. Translate those customer reviews to video testimonials. Bring those photographs to life through video. The possibilities are endless!

Something to improve on

Not using any video in your marketing? Let’s stop right there. Here’s your something to improve on (and your something new to try!)

But maybe you are using video, and want to take it to the next level. You may have goals ranging from increasing viewer engagement, putting out more consistent content, or just updating current videos. Finding fresh ways to get your message out there is important. Videos come in all shapes and sizes; one size does not fit all. Try creating more intentional videos with specific goals. For example, refresh that 8-minute catch-all video from 2012 that covers everything from company history to services to company culture and create newer, more engaging, and easier to digest videos. Think about your audience and the viewer experience. Consider how “shareable” a video is. There should be intention behind each video.

Something new to try

As mentioned above, if you have never used video before but have a hankering to give it a go, here’s your obvious something new! With any major undertaking, it can seem daunting to take on a video project, especially if it is a totally different experience for you. Gathering information from both your team and production partners is going to help guide this process. Start with your video needs and goals, and acknowledge a budget, but realize these may change as the project develops. Once you have a production partner on board, they are going to be able to take the process step-by-step with you. The first project will be a learning experience, but once you have completed one, you will have a deeper understanding of how to see a video through from start to finish. Then, your “something new” will turn to “something to improve on” and before long, will be your “something to continue doing well”!