The Ins and Outs of Brand Videos
February 08, 2019
By Michelle Maslanka • Producer

Brand videos are among the most popular types of videos out there these days. Differing from standard commercial or corporate videos, brand videos (also referred to as brand films or brand stories) focus on connecting with the audience, typically through emotion. It becomes less about the “who” and the “what” and more about the “why” and the “how”. Let’s take a look at some key features to a successful brand video.

In this digital age, we are bombarded with advertisements of some form, namely video. The market is so saturated with content that it can be difficult to navigate as a consumer and stand out as a marketer. This is not to say both sides should stop trying; it means that audiences are going to be more particular and brands need to deliver. Very plainly: Cut the bull$#!t. Audiences are craving authenticity from brands. They want to connect with a brand as much as a brand wants to connect with them; unfortunately, consumers increasingly distrust brands and advertising.  

In 2014, Dissolve, a stock footage site, used a humorous script from earlier that same year, to poke fun at the cliches of brand videos. It was a brilliant way to low-key market their own product and create unique, relatable content. It went on to win a Shorty Award for Best in B2B in 2015, and has almost 2.5 million views on YouTube.

This is a Generic Brand Video, by Dissolve. 

Everyone wants to “tell a story”. Though the phrase has been overused, at its core, it holds true. The key is telling a unique story. What makes your brand different? Tell the story that only you can tell. Audiences want to take in genuine, original, content.

Maybe the story itself is not new; couch the information in a different approach. Take this Fibre Box Association sample. For their 75th Anniversary, we took an approach that was, quite literally, out of the box.

People connect with people. Adding a human element helps connect with your audience and tap into emotions. This does not necessarily mean using a standard on-screen, sit-down interview as the vessel of the information. In this Ebert Studio sample, we took soundbites from an off-camera interview to tell the story of the company. On top of this approach, the content focuses more on the philosophy of the company and the connection he makes with his clients, versus the technical practices, processes, and numbers. Visually, however, we were able to represent the process in an organic way.

Brand videos can come in many different forms, and marketers are continuously looking for new ways to deliver their message and engage with their consumers. Put yourself if the shoes of the consumer: what would speak to you? Authenticity probably comes to mind. Start there, and the rest will start to fall in line.