MOFILM has finally announced the winners of the 2014 Cannes Video Contest and Motion Source has won a prize with a commercial for Coca Cola in their "Open Happiness" campaign. The video was produced in June 2014, but we have had to keep it under wraps until the contest was officially over. We can now share it with the world!
As with all of our video projects they are made possible by the hard work and dedication of our team members here at Motion Source. We would also like to send out thanks to everyone outside of Motion Source who contributed to the project; including actresses Emma Thompson and Angie Matson. Motion Source Editor Andy Hoffman said of the project "It was great to see the whole team come together and complete the video production in one day, before the sun came down."
These video contest projects are a great way for our team to experiment with new techniques in filmmaking while also further developing our competitive nature in a contest-based environment. "We had to overcome some unexpected struggles and difficulties on production day but we were able to still shoot a great video!" said Motion Source Creative Director Craig Bass.