Corporate VIdeo
The Society for Healthcare Strategy and Market Development of the American Hospital Association, or SHSMD--as we found to be a useful acronym--requested a “20th Anniversary Video,” but we soon realized this would not be a run-of-the-mill anniversary video. We were inspired to create something a little more unique to assist SHSMD in celebrating their achievements. And, as the video was to premiere at an annual conference to be held in their hometown of Chicago, it required elements that were simultaneously engaging and sentimental.
During the pre-production phase, we pitched the idea of a POV-style video, to tell the story of SHSMD from the perspective of a member who had transitioned with the organization over the course of 20 years. This would take the audience on a journey from the vantage point of someone they could identify with: watching the growth of the organization through this member’s eyes. The concept plays to the audience’s suspension of disbelief to understand that this travel through the years is a compilation of the memories of the main character, as she reminisces on her time with SHSMD through the years. With that in mind, we were given more freedom in the edit to include special effects, scene transitions, and movement through time and space, which ultimately resulted in a very special celebration of SHSMD’s impact on the industry.
DIRECTOR: Craig Bass PRODUCER: Michelle Maslanka EDITOR: Hunter Kallenbach